Wednesday, January 12, 2011

oohhhh MOOD swing !~

ape maksud gambar ni..
aku pon tataw..

yang aku taw aku PMS skang..

ciri-ciri aku PMS:
1. kuat tdow
2. manje x tentu hale ngn my bie bie
3. malas
4. KUAT MAKAN ---> paling puaka
5. teringin nk makan macam2..

the other side of me.~

Thursday, January 6, 2011

cmno nak terer ENGLISH??

i asked my boss..

how to improve my english?

he said read a lot..

how to improve by reading if u not even understand about the basic grammar..

english is the only subject that i've learn since kindergarten but i never ever score

for this subject..

it always and remain B..

i wonder people who are good in english (written & spoken)..

how they understand the grammar well?

i agree vocabulary can be improve through reading..

but the grammar part?


i really need to improve my english..

any suggestion?

do i need to go to school back or find another option such as...

T_T ---> s0 sad!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

i wish!~


mcm terase rase je cake ni dalam mulut..
gile sedap..

time2 cmni mcm2 mnde aku rase nk mkn..

bukan stakat rase..mmg aku mkn btul2 pon..

sume yang aku teringin aku akan makan..end up makin gemuk..

sudah la syda..impian tinggal impian..

nmpk mknn je rase nk mkn x bleh handle..demmit!